Vernacular Culture: The Folklore Blog

This blog chronicles recent developments in folklore studies, in my very subjective style. I hope to review books, websites and blogs. It might also include much griping about folklore and fakelorists. In a word, it's folklotastic!

Location: Acton, Mass., United States

I am an unemployed folklorist and a daddy.

April 24, 2005

Dundes, RIP

Don't know how I missed this.

Knowing the sort of humor that Dundes studied, he might appreciate some sort of macabre joke about his passing. Just can't think one up right now. There is something of the urban legend in a professor dropping dead in front of his class. I don't know how many times I've wished some of my profs would do the same.

So, I guess there's an open position in folklore at Berkeley? (Tasteless, I know)

Go out and buy "Life Is Like a Chicken Coop Ladder," I think it is the best folklore book ever.


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