Vernacular Culture: The Folklore Blog

This blog chronicles recent developments in folklore studies, in my very subjective style. I hope to review books, websites and blogs. It might also include much griping about folklore and fakelorists. In a word, it's folklotastic!

Location: Acton, Mass., United States

I am an unemployed folklorist and a daddy.

February 12, 2006

Online Gaming Environments and Narrative

One of my main objectives in my otherwise useless dissertation was to establish that online gaming's purpose is in the creation of narratives (storytelling in a new medium). Hence, since folklorists are involved with the study of storytelling, this was a viable path of study. Whether or not I was successul or not in demonstrating this was left to my dissertation committee. However, I'm still sold on the idea.

Via Boing Boing , I was led to a very informative interview with Sean Stewart on this very topic. Link.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »

8:08 PM  

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