Vernacular Culture: The Folklore Blog

This blog chronicles recent developments in folklore studies, in my very subjective style. I hope to review books, websites and blogs. It might also include much griping about folklore and fakelorists. In a word, it's folklotastic!

Location: Acton, Mass., United States

I am an unemployed folklorist and a daddy.

November 24, 2006

Plagiarism and Folklore

Slate has an interesting article on a bunch of nineteenth century writers stole from each other and how by using twenty-first century technology of Google Books will lead to more of this sort of thing. The funny part is England Howell stole a passage from Sabine Baring-Gould which she, in fact, had stolen from an earlier text on Northern Mythology. Y'all better make sure your disses and other stuff you'paraphrased' are vetted.


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