Vernacular Culture: The Folklore Blog

This blog chronicles recent developments in folklore studies, in my very subjective style. I hope to review books, websites and blogs. It might also include much griping about folklore and fakelorists. In a word, it's folklotastic!

Location: Acton, Mass., United States

I am an unemployed folklorist and a daddy.

December 08, 2006

The Penguin Thief

Local story making the rounds about a child who steals a penguin from the New England Aquarium, as reported by the Boston Herald. I have yet to hear this story, but I am sure to hear it soon from either someone in the break room at work or one of my in-laws.

December 06, 2006

Fixing the damn Blog

For a while there was something screwy going on with this blog. Not screwy in the sense of what I'm writing makes no sense at all. It's always that type of screwy. No, screwy in that it was unreadable in certain browsers - mine included, and that I haven't set up the RSS feed properly. I have upgraded to blogger beta, and the blog looked fine on my browser as of two minutes ago. So, we're off and running again. . .